This consultation will assist you to be A.W.A.R.E. , that is Assess your Way forward, and provide Access to Resources that will educate and Empower you on your cancer journey.

I will meet you where you are on your journey, listen to your stories and experiences and help you identify your next steps along the way.

Lets talk about:

  • Your Treatment Plan
  • Diet & Exercise
  • Your Emotional Health & Well Being
  • Your Spiritual Health & Practice
  • Supportive Therapies
  • Your Support Systems

Looking forward to supporting you in making choices that work for you and your life in the now.

Our talks will leave you…
Feeling supported, so you can be Empowered on your journey.
You will be provided with practical tools to help you:
✓ Recognize and let go of old patterns
✓ Understand what your body is telling you
✓ Acknowledge who you are and what you are feeling
✓ Know what your body requires and how to fuel and sustain it

Further Instructions
✓ Consultations are done via SKYPE or ZOOM preferably, however WhatsApp video may also be used.
✓ Please where possible, have the room quiet at your appointment time. No Telephone or TV will be permitted.