Not everyone has a Certified Lymphoedema Therapist close by, and during these times with COVID – 19 your therapist may not be available for in office visits. I am happy to be able to offer a unique programme for virtual evaluation and
home care.


As a Certified Lymphoedema Therapist trained by the Academy of Lymphatic Studies with over 14 years of experience, I will:

  • Document your medical history
  • Review your doctor’s referral (if required) and discuss your condition.
  • Demonstrate the Manual Lymph Drainage Sequence
  • Teach you how to do self-drainage on your swollen limb to shift excess fluid
  • Teach you exercises to improve lymphatic flow
  • Give advice on compression garments or bandages if needed.

    **Provide a personalized video presentation for your self-treatment plan**
    **Provide a personalized written self-treatment plan with photos**
    Further appointments for follow-ups will be made as necessary.
    ** Supplemental resources available at an additional cost of JA$2000 or US$20 per resource.

Lymphoedema Follow up Appointments

    • Discussion on current status and/ concerns

-To include measurement of limb(s) affected

  • Self Manual Lymph Drainage
  • Demonstration
    Self Bandaging Demonstration (if required)
  •  Exercises for improving lymphatic flow
  • DeepBreathing/Progressive Relaxation Techniques


Further Instructions

  • Sitting down on a chair or bed with pillows will be sufficient to do practical work.
  • Consultations are done via SKYPE or ZOOM preferably, however WhatsApp video may also be used.
  • Please where possible, have the room quiet at your appointment time. No Telephone or TV will be permitted.