Live Now is designed to assist you to identify and detail your wishes surrounding your life, medical care, end of life care needs and completion of your affairs after your death.

Having worked with many individuals and their families through various stages of illness and also end of life, I have come to appreciate that the little details matter. These are the things that will make or break up families during illness, causing distress for the person living in transition and continue until way after their passing. Whether you are young, old, healthy, or experiencing a life-threatening health challenge, one thing for certain is that death is inevitable.

In our consultation I support you in completing the Care Directive & Transition Planning document which outlines your wishes regarding your life now, medical care if you are currently ill or in the event that you become ill, as well as your wishes for end of life care and after. I am also available to facilitate a family meeting or discussion surrounding your decisions, should you need support expressing your wishes.

I am here to support you first! I understand that it is a privilege to assist you, as you consider the at times complex issues surrounding the planning process. My support of you, extends to your family during your transition process and afterwards, assisting in various ways to make the process smoother.

Live Now Care Directives & Transition Planning includes facilitating and supporting the following:
– Your will and instructions for your possessions.
– Instructions for your dependents
– Online accounts and password cataloguing
– Conducting a Life Review
– Health care decision making
– Healing Relationships
– Death anxiety & End of Life
– Practical assistance and assessment for palliative care needs at home
Let me help you handle these not so little details, so you can be at peace, fully experience life and Live Now!
Call me to book your consultation.